Sunday, April 10, 2016

Easy PB Cookies.

I haven't blogged much lately. Lots of working out, complaining about food, grocery shopping and enjoying movies & snuggling with the hubs and pups. So lets get to it!

I have been very diligent about making sure I record EVERYTHING into my Fitbit. I swear, it has made me crazy! Yesterday was 5K and leg day! A good 1.5-2 hour workout that made me light-headed at the end. Afterwards, I was rewarded with Ihop! Even though I was allowed to get pancakes ( thanks, CJ!) I only ate one with very minimal syrup. I was so proud of myself! So afterwards when we went grocery shopping I bought stuff to make 4-ingredient peanut butter cookies and paleo chocolate zucchini bars. Well, I didn't buy everything for the bars so I just made the cookies.

I grilled dinner last night of steak, asparagus, potatoes and jalapeƱo smoked sausage. The smoked sausage isn't entirely the best for you but it is gluten-free, no MSG and fulfilled by spicy craving without turning towards mexican food.

Oh! I did get this amazing 4 spice kit at Costco for $1.97. I used the pumpkin spice in my coffee instead of cinnamon this morning. With it being cloudy, it definitely took me back to fall this morning!

Now, lets get to the real point of this post: COOKIES! I truly have to blog about this and give y'all the receipt because it is SO easy and tastes just like peanut butter. You won't even miss the flour.

4-Ingredient PB Cookies
1 large egg, whipped
1 cup of almond butter (or peanut butter)
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
1/2 cup of coconut palm sugar

Preheat oven to 350*
Whip egg in medium large bowl. Add peanut butter and vanilla. Stir until completely smooth. Fold in coconut palm sugar until blended. Roll into your choice balls, place on cookie sheet and flatten with a fork. No need to grease the cookie sheet at all and they won't expand so you don't have to give them too much space to roam!

Now, in mine I used regular peanut butter because CJ insisted it was better when we went to the grocery store. He compared the nutritional labels like a champ! I was so proud of him. I was hesitant to buy the coconut palm sugar for this recipe as I have a TON (Costco size) of organic sugar. I did a lot of reading and there truly is no substitute. It has the feel of regular sugar but the taste of brown sugar. When I opened the package, that is exactly what I found. Now, I don't see why you couldn't do a mixture of the brown and white sugar to get the same results. I didn't test it, but I am sure it could be done. Let me know if anyone tries it.

Since I was over my calories, due to dinner yesterday, I made CJ ate one. They were approved as they were "tasting like peanut butter." I tried one this morning and they were WAY softer than ANY peanut butter cookie I ever had and they tasted just like peanut butter. YUM! These will definitely stay in the cookbook for, forever. A simple, guilt-free cookie. I guess I can't complain about not having sweets anymore!

As it being Sunday, it is REST DAY and homework day. I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and is ready to rock out the week.

XO, Sandra

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